simple berry candle holiday centerpiece / table decor

cranberry mason jar floating candle

So if you know me in real life, you know that I am NOT an overly crafty person.  It’s not that I lack the inner desire to know how to sew, knit or master the fine art of puffy painting.  The desire is there.  The skill is not.

I came across this idea for a holiday centerpiece a couple of months ago.  I bookmarked it and went back to peak at it at least 5 times before making the important decision that this was a craft that even I couldn’t screw up.

Turns out I was right – this one is so deliciously simple.  And it looks AMAZING!

You will need:

  • 1 mason jar (I used a quart sized jar)
  • greens of your choice (I trimmed some pieces off the back of our Christmas tree)
  • handful of cranberries
  • water
  • floating candle (size doesn’t matter, it just needs to be able to sit in the open mouth of the mason jar)

How to make:

  • Place greens in your mason jar – arrange to your liking.  I literally just dumped mine in – no arranging here!
  • Fill jar 3/4 way with water
  • Add cranberries to jar (they will float to the top)
  • Place floating candle on top of berries (flush with -or just above- water level)
  • Light candle!