New Year’s Eve Wine Slushies (D’Marie Frappe Vino)

Last month we made our annual trek to the Pennsylvania Christmas and Gift Show in Harrisburg, PA.  This massive craft and gift show fills a good portion of the PA Farm Show Complex, which is HUGE.  Row after glorious row of pretty things to check out – and this year the D’Marie Frappe Vino booth did more than catch our eye… it pulled us in hook, line and sinker!

I loved the packaging, but even more than that – I loved the sample that I tried.

These slushie wine drinks promise EASY prep and a delicious taste.  We picked up a couple boxes and decided to try one out on New Year’s Eve.

To make these drinks, you only need THREE ingredients: a 750 ml bottle of wine (I suggest something on the sweeter side!), water and the Frappe Vino drink mix.

This was just about as simple as it gets.  Dump the entire bottle of wine into a Ziploc gallon freezer bag.  Fill the empty wine bottle with water and add that to the bag.  Finally, dump in a packet of Frappe Vino mix.

Wine Slushie 1

Close the bag and shake it to mix the contents together!

Wine Slushie 2

Place bag in freezer for 5-6 hours (ours took more like 6-7 hours).  Pull bag out and voila!  A slush wine beverage!

Wine Slushie 3

Everyone who tried these agreed – DELISH!  The taste was fantastic and it was fun to serve a different kind of drink.


Wine Slushie 4

This non-biased review was NOT compensated.  It is simply a cool product that I purchased, enjoyed and wanted to share.