Perler Bead Cookie Cutter Holiday Ornaments

Perler Bead Ornament Title

Every year, for better or worse, my friend Amy and I make some sort of holiday tree ornament en masse with the kiddies. We try to pick something easy and cute, something that we can gift to the grandmothers, aunties, etc. Inevitably, almost every year, we run into some sort of issue while knee-deep in dough, paint, plaster of Paris, you get the idea.

Despite the hassles, every year it’s worth it. Every year we end up with really cute ornaments (even if me and her end up finishing what the kids don’t. Shhhh! Don’t tell!).

BUT THIS YEAR – this year we won. Big time. Meaning: we finally found an ornament that was TRULY as simply as it sounded on Pinterest. We’re talking maybe 15 minutes or so prep time… then another 10 minutes baking time. And you know what? These ornaments rival the cutest that we’ve made over the years!

Here’s how simple this one is…

You will need four things:

Metal cookie cutters – You don’t necessarily have to leave your ornaments IN the cutters like we did, that’s up to you and your personal preference. However, I do recommend buying cookie cutters specifically for this project (or using old ones you have lying around). Because you are melting plastic inside the cutters, I wouldn’t recommend using these for baking food afterwards. We used this set: Wilton Holiday 18 pc Metal Cookie Cutter Set #2308-1132.

Perler Beads – Any colors, up to you! We used this set: Perler Beads Stripes n Pearls Bead Tray.

Cookie Tray

Parchment Paper


These ornaments are literally as simple as:

1. Heat oven to 400 F.
2. Line cookie tray with parchment paper.
3. Place cookie cutters on tray.
4. Fill cookie cutters with a single layer of perler beads.
5. Bake for 10 minutes, until beads melt together.
6. Let cool.
7. Tie a piece of ribbon on each ornament for hanging.

See it in pictures:

perler bead cookie cutter ornament 3

perler bead cookie cutter ornament 4 perler bead cookie cutter ornament 5 perler bead cookie cutter ornament 6 perler bead cookie cutter ornament 8 perler bead cookie cutter ornament 7 perler bead cookie cutter ornament 9

perler bead cookie cutter ornament a

perler bead cookie cutter ornament b

perler bead cookie cutter ornament c

perler bead cookie cutter ornament 1

perler bead cookie cutter ornament 2