Welcome to the World, Landon!

Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant while on a cruise ship? And yet just like that, the weeks and months flew right on by.  Before I knew it, we were saying goodbye to September and ushering in October.  And with October, came Best Day of My Life #2. … Read more

The Days When I JUST. DON’T. CARE.

I know that I’ve been pretty lucky when it comes to easy-going kids.  Most days I can convince Lily to wear whatever outfit I choose for her, though I’ll be the first to admit, we have, on more than one occasion, butted heads over various outfits, shoe selections or even what bows to wear. Small … Read more

The Twilight Equine Serenade

There are days (many of them, in fact) when I experience a potpourri of feelings when it comes to my kid. “Be still my heart, she is literally THE sweetest creature on Earth!” “There is no way that I possibly birthed such a wild beast.” “If she dirties one more outfit today I’m enrolling her … Read more

4th of July Food and Craft Round Up

Time to break out the red, white and blue! Need some inspiration for July 4th food and decor? Red, White and Blue Chocolate Covered Patriotic Strawberries Patriotic Chocolate Marshmallow Pops DIY Mason Jar No-Mess Straw Toppers And of course… be sure to check out my 4th of July inspired Pinterest board for lots more ideas!