Postagram Postcard App for iPhone and Android Review

If you follow me on Facebook, you know that we just got home from a trip to Orlando, FL.  I walked away from that trip with a bazillion cool tips and tricks about traveling with kids and visiting Disney World to share – and this is one of my VERY faves!

I first heard about the Postagram app on the drive down to Disney.  We live in Pennsylvania so I had 16 hours to browse countless magazines, finish a Kindle book or two, eat more Cadbury mini eggs than I care to admit and sing about 317 songs to Biker Bob as my iPod shuffled through its playlist.  During all of that self-entertaining, I caught a tiny little snippet in one of those magazines about Postagram.

Postagram is a free app available for both iPhones and Androids.  It claims that you can send a postcard to anyone in the US (though I believe international shipping is coming soon) for just $.99.  Consider the fact that postcard stamps are currently $.32.  That’s like paying $.67 for a custom photo postcard.  You type in your message, type in the recipient’s address and Postagram takes care of printing and shipping your custom postcard.  Sounds cool, right?

Now, if you’ve been following my antics for awhile, you might remember last year when I was totally ripped off by Walt Disney.  I spent a small fortune on postcards in the Magic Kingdom and could not believe I plunked down about $20 for 9 postcards. (I’m not exaggerating.)  So I already knew that I could end up paying upwards of $1.95/card PLUS postage if I bought postcards in the park.

One of our first stops after checking into our hotel was to the local Walmart.  They have a HUGE Disney souvenir area with all licensed Disney gifts, apparel and yes, postcards for sale.  These will run you $.58/each PLUS postage and none of them feature actual pictures of the parks – most likely due to copyright laws.  So that’s $.90 SHIPPED to send a generic Walmart postcard.

We were just a couple of hours into our first day in the parks when I knew I had my postcard picture.  Time to test out this app!

Pull up Postagram on your phone.  (The first time you open the app you can set up your account, store a credit card number, etc.)

Click on “Create a Postagram” to get started.

You have several options when picking a photo source.  You can take a picture right then and there to use by clicking the camera button.  OR – you can find a picture from the pics on your phone, in your Facebook account or in your Instagram account.

I grabbed my picture from the Camera Roll in my iPhone.

You can move your image to fit the square photo space.  When you are happy with the picture, tap “done.”

Next it’s time to type your message in the space provided.  I always send Lily a postcard when we’re traveling to receive after we get home – fun for the memory box and to look through to remember our trips.  I typed her a little message to accompany the picture – which is her with her VERY favorite of them all, Snow White.

You can preview your postcard after you type your message.  After proofreading your card, it’s time to select the recipient(s).  One the the coolest features of this app – you can send the same card to multiple recipients at once.  So in about 5 minutes of free time a couple of days later, I was able to make a card for the grandparents, add their addresses and send it to ALL of them with one click.

This saved me time, hand cramps and the inevitable annoying game we tend to play called, “let’s see how many days we can unsuccessfully look for a stupid mailbox to dump these postcards into.”

Review your card, click “buy.”  That’s it!

Your card will be printed and dropped into the mail within the next business day or so.  We sent several cards from FL to PA, AR & NJ and most of them arrived within 2-4 days of when I ordered them.  Awesome!

Upon our return, Lily’s personalized postcard was waiting for her.  SO CUTE!  Print quality was very good – card quality was also great.  Here’s another cool feature – the border around the picture is actually perforated.  you can punch the picture out and the message that you typed to the recipient is printed on the back of the picture!  You have the choice to leave the postcard intact or you can punch out the picture and just keep that portion.  Such a cool keepsake.

Here’s what Lily’s actual card looked like:

Is Postagram worth it?  One word: YES.

For exactly 9 cents more than the run-of-the-mill generic Walmart cards, we were able to send postcards with the ultimate personal touch.  AND I DIDN’T HAVE TO SIT AND WRITE THEM ALL OUT!!!

Most of the cards have reached their recipients by now and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.  If you like to send postcards while you’re out and about, definitely consider giving this one a try.  I can say with confidence I will be sending Postagrams instead of traditional cards from now on!

This review was simply a super cool product that I wanted to let you know about.  I have not received a smidge of compensation for writing this candid review of my experience. All opinions are 100% my very own.