Project Life Tuesday: Week 5

Today was yet another day that I pulled out my Project Life album with the sole intention of snapping my pictures for this week’s post… and it was yet another day that Lily and I ended up sitting down and pouring through the entire album from start to finish. I don’t think I will get over just how PRETTY and ORGANIZED this album presents itself. It’s beautiful and so worthy of being enjoyed!

Week 5

Kits used: Project Life Core Kit – Honey Edition

Photo Layout Pages used: Design A & Design D

This week’s excerpt from my album actually covers 3 entire weeks – from February 17 through the week of March 3.  As you can see, the week of 2/17 and 2/24 were very very slow activity-wise.  They may not have been super busy, but they sure were exciting – it was on 3/1/13 that we had our very first prenatal appointment and ultrasound for the little bean that would grow to be Landon.  What a moment to see that tiny tiny little heart beating!

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The next week certainly made up for the lack of activity the weeks before!  Lily kicked off her 2013 horse show season with a show on her pony, Pretzel.  We celebrated our Goddaughter’s 1st birthday, and my aunt and great aunt took Lily and I to the Philadelphia International Flower Show.

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Another special treat that week was getting to observe Lily and my niece’s ballet class.  Us moms usually hunker down outside the studio and chit chat during the class… but on that occasion parents were invited in to watch some of the action.  <3

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