Elf on the Shelf 2013: The Final Farewell

How on Earth are we already at the end of another holiday season?  The month of December absolutely flew by this year, despite my desperate attempts to slow it down.  Our Elf on the Shelf journey ended, as it always does, on Christmas Eve.  That morning, Lily located Oboe sitting in her brother’s crib.  As … Read more

Elf on the Shelf: Week 3 in Review

It’s hard to believe, but Elf 2013 is drawing to a close!  Tomorrow night Oboe will catch a ride with Old St. Nick back to the North Pole where he will stay until next year. This week has been a fun one with our elf. First he was up for some ziplining fun, scaling the … Read more

Elf on the Shelf: Make a Magic Christmas Garden

Over the years, I have seen various examples of magical Christmas-y gardens, many of them involving the Elf tradition.  A majority feature planting candy which “grows’ into something else by morning. The other night, I finally pulled myself together enough to set the stage for our own magical garden.  I made the poem (that’s a … Read more

Elf on the Shelf: Week 2 in Review

We are in full-blown ELF MODE over here! It has been exciting week with Oboe.  He has appeared all over the house, sometimes in an obvious spot, others not so much. At the beginning of the week he just seemed to KNOW that Lily’s behavior that morning had been very (very!) unsavory.  He brought a … Read more

Elf on the Shelf: Week 1 in Review

It’s that time of year again – time to find where you hid your Elf on the Shelf last year in the wee morning hours of 12/25 and come up with 25ish locations for him to appear this year. Our elf, Oboe, came back to our home last week on 12/1. I know how much … Read more